
Why build: a request for life?

The second question after "Where will you park it?" is "Why?"

I want to build Lil, quite simply, "...because I [wish] to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if i could learn what it [has] to teach, and not, when I [come] to die, discover that I had not lived..."

Uhm...nah. I'm not so noble of character, as much as I'd like to be. In reality, the project requested its own life - I'm just along for the ride.

(my apologies to Henry David Thoreau)

the adventure of place

What's the use of a homeless home... A complex conundrum; the first question asked becomes a necessary revelation. Why build at all, if not on particular land? Is "home" specific land + specific structure? Home is where the heart is?

My heart is on the moon. And on the sea. And amidst wildflowers. And next door to you.


lil lu is about to join this world and hopes you'll welcome her. lil lu is what we like to call a combinable tiny - a tiny house that grows to a small house and then maybe even to a medium house by simply adding on the same form. There will be lots more to post as we begin this adventure, and we're really happy you want to join us!